2013 Magazine
Philip Cadzow Photo by unknown

Outward Bound

By Philip CadzowWednesday November 13, 2013

My time at Outward Bound was amazing. With the instructors taking great care not to let my watch know what was coming next; we were left in a state of both constant excitement and exhaustion.

I thrived in it; no matter what adventure we were on, there was a challenge to it. Take for example rock climbing; the platform that we climbed from was halfway up a cliff, the rock was full of dips and ledges that made for easy climbing and rewarded all who reached the top with amazing views. My darling instructors decided that as I was a climber this wall was far too easy for me; so up I went with feet tied together and one hand behind the back – which I succeeded with some sneaking cheating and scraped knees from ill judged jumps. I imagine I looked a little like a confused kangaroo. This was but one small example of the challenges faced; sometimes I succeeded, sometimes not. After three weeks of such a life style you can't help but be changed for the better.