2013 Magazine
House Day at Aramoana Photo by Murray Thompson

Clayton Head Boy

By Philip CadzowWednesday November 13, 2013

I've greatly enjoyed being Head Boy of Clayton this year.

We have given great efforts to all the House competitions – ranging from the cross country (which we won! It was amazing!) to rowing where people had trouble walking afterward. We have had a few events within the House; the House Day which featured a lovely trip out to Aramoana for a day chilling on the grass field and swimming in the sea; also some sand castle building, one of the castles had a lot of dragging very heavy stones to make a volcano, another was a beautiful starfish and yet another was a mermaid with a willing person half buried. House assemblies had some competitions as well; a chubby wubby contest, where one student selected from each group had to fit as many marshmellows in their mouth as they could to win some chocolate bars, 1/3 was the winner. A tower building competition out of newspaper and tape, the group with the tallest got a huge bag of lollies. It seems all the inter group contests were motivated in some ways by sweets.